Wednesday 1 August 2012


I know how you feel about this; it is so hard to control yourself when the food is amazing, but you have to. Diet, which is a lifestyle, is all about portion control so you can succeed. Portion control will help you boost your metabolism, and depending on what you eat; it will keep you full. Eating 6 small meals every day will help you lose weight not fast, but slow and effectively. When you overeat you feel bloated, and you gain more weight, which is not what you want, right?

Here are some tips for you to know how much you should be eating per day:

As you know bread products are always extra large and this means that it contains like 3 to 4 servings in one piece. For example, a bagel should be the size of a hockey puck. You should be consuming half of the bagel and safe the other half for later. You don't wanna pack those extra calories in one sit; instead, divide it. Consume a total of 5-6 servings of grains each day.
Instead of choosing refined grains such as white rice and/or bread, you should choose whole grains. Why whole grains? because it keeps you full for long periods of time. Refined grains are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and they turn into fat. Brown rice should be the size of half of a tennis ball and you should consume about 5-6 servings of grains per day.
Grains, such as whole wheat pasta, should be the size of half of a tennis ball. You should consider the extra things you are going to put on it though, the vegetables or meat, and the sauce. You have to count those calories as well. Choose your whole grain pastas and keep in mind that 1 serving gives up to 25% of your daily fiber.

Protein is the best thing you could consume to lose weight or to even gain muscle. Protein is very important when you want to lose weight, it is thermogenic and helps your burn fat. Protein is something that you body needs at all times to maintain muscles, body organs, blood and bones in check.
Chicken breast is one of the best protein option. It should be the size of a deck of cards. To have a better chicken breast, it is better to remove the skin so it has less fat and calories.
Salmon is a wonderful source of protein and omega 3. The size of the salmon should be a deck of cards. The omega 3 in fish is amazing, it helps protect against heart disease and aids in the production of new brain cells.
Beef and turkey burgers should be the size of a deck of cards as well. These are a good source of protein, and helps you lose weight as long as you eat the right amount. Always get lean ground beef if you are making burgers, otherwise, you will be eating a burger full of grease.

Now, I know everybody likes fruit and think that because it is natural it shouldn't make you fat. The reality is that fruit is full of natural fructose (sugar) and if you eat it a lot during the day, even at night, it won't benefit you if you really want to lose fat. I am not saying fruit is bad, all I am saying is that you have to control your intake, and eat it only in the morning as a snack or with your breakfast. Fresh fruit should be the size of a golf ball, such as apple, kiwi, orange, grapes, and so on. If you are a fan of dried fruit, let me tell you that it is not very good because they remove the water from the fruit making them shrink. If you think about it a cup of grapes is the nutritional equivalent of 1/4 cup raisins.
I was a huge fan of juice, I think it taste amazing, but guess what? packed in sugar and full of calories. If you are looking to lose fat, a glass of juice during the day will definitely not give you the results you want. From what I read, the amount of juice you should be drinking is the size of a golf ball. Still I do not recommend drinking juice; instead, eat the fruit, which is packed with fiber.
I used not to like apples, but apples have benefits. They are low in calories and their peel is packed with fiber; also, this peel inhibit the growth of breast, liver and colon cancer cells.
I know I talked about only eating fruit with the size of a golf ball, but grapes should be the size of a tennis ball. NO, I am no saying "find a grape the size of a tennis ball," I am talking about the amount of grapes you consume should be the size of a tennis ball. Red grapes are antioxidants and packed with resveratrol and may help prevent colon cancer.

Most of you may not like vegetables, but let me tell you a secret...I used to HATE THEM! I learned to appreciate their flavor like 4 or 5 years ago. Vegetables are good for you, and helps you lose those extra pounds amazingly. If you love baby carrots (I do), they are excellent source of carotenoids, which is an antioxidant that may help prevent diabetes and cancer. Carrots are known to have their natural amount of sugar so if you are looking to compete against somebody else and you want to reduce fat then avoid this at night. Again, I am not saying they are bad, I am just saying control your portions. For those who are just looking to lose fat by eating vegetables, protein, and carbs twice a day (breakfast and lunch), then it would be perfect for them to eat any vegetable.
Broccoli is packed of sulforaphane, which is one of the most powerful cancer fighting compounds in food. Have broccoli in your breakfast, lunch and dinner to get a good dose of their beneficiary compounds. A tip for you: steam the broccoli lightly for a better release of that amazing compound.

Don't be afraid of good fats. I know some of you are so scared of eating good fats believing it will give you the opposite result, but in reality, good fats fight bad fat in your body. Don't get too excited though, eating too much of it can certainly give you the opposite. We are talking about portion control, and this means that if something is really good like nuts, you should definitely eat the right amount; otherwise, you won't get results. When you eat nuts, it should be the size of a shot glass. Eating small amounts of these healthy fats can reduce appetite and signal your brain that you are full. Please get natural nuts, not the ones that are salted. Salty nuts won't do you any good.
Who loves olive oil? I do and I cook with it as well, which is not good. Why isn't it good? Well olive oil contains monounsaturated fats and when you cook with it, the olive oil turns into saturated fat, which is something you definitely want to avoid when losing fat. The right amount of olive oil should be the size of the tip of your thumb. The monounsaturated fats target belly fat and boost your calorie burn up to 5 hours after the meal. Choose extra virgini oil, which contains the most cholesterol-lowering polyphenols.
Who doesn't love peanut butter? Definitely not me, but peanut butter is packed with good fat and should equal the size of a shot glass. Choose natural peanut butter, is better for you because nothing is added to it, it is just peanuts.

I love dairy products, I love cheese, milk in my cereals and yogurt. Unfortunately, I cannot consume these on a daily basis just because of the lactose (sugar). My goal is to lose fat, and I am sure that is your goal as well. It is best to avoid them until you reach your goal and then control your intake during maintanance. Instead of buying skim milk, go and get almond milk (unsweetened) or if you are lactose intolerant, then get soy milk. Again, dairy products are not bad, on the contrary, they are packed with protein and calcium, which is needed for your bones, joint, muscles and so on. Just control the amounts.
If you are craving cheddar cheese, good news is that you can eat 4 little squares, equal to the size of a dice.
For Mozzarella, it is best to get the shredded one and only eat an amount that equals to the size of a golf ball.

This is it for portion control. I will come back with more information soon. Hope you enjoy this information and hope it actually helps you figure out the right amount when it comes to portion control.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

When reality hits you - The big downfall                                               

Hello bloggers,

Today I woke up so enthusiastic and full of energy. I have to tell you though, I haven't felt this eager to eat right and exercise for at least two months now. It has been a tough two months because I live in Canada and when summer comes everybody starts going camping, drinking alcohol, eating everything and guess what? you are surrounded by these people all the time. It has been so hard for me to say NO to unhealthy foods, I have to say that I deviated from my regimen and now I am full of regrets. It was very frustrating to put unhealthy foods in my mouth when I knew I shouldn't have eaten them. I was extremely conscious of my actions and even knowing didn't stop me. So here is when I ask myself, where did my will power go? Where did my determination go? What just happened to me? I am sitting here wishing I never ate anything, and that I maintained my diet's mode on.

There are a few things I want to talk about. Just because you hit a bump on the road does not mean you are going to give up. Failure means FIGHTING, you have to fight against what makes you feel bad, sad, angry and so on. Fight for what you want, for what you desire. Not fighting means complete failure. Here are few things for you to read:

  • Don't be ashamed: Feeling disappointed about your performance is, believe it or not, the key to realize that you have made a mistake. Is the time to take action and be better. You have to recognize the fact that being sad or feeling sorry for yourself will do no good, but will bring you down. Feeling this way won't certainly bring your body back to normal; on the contrary, will held you back from feeling motivated to work harder, eat better and to finally reach your goal.
  • Reset: Meditate and figure out what you really want for yourself. It is never too late to start all over again, but just this time do it like you mean it. We are humans and the best way to learn about life and other things is by making mistakes, but still that doesn't mean that every month you are going to allow yourself to feel disappointed. Instead, set your mind to be better, stronger and determined. Reset and press play to your new healthy lifestyle. Start fresh and live the regrets behind.
  • Create: Maybe you are not feeling motivated because you do the same workout everyday. Instead, create a new routine, mix it up, challenge yourself. Creating a new workout routine will certainly help boost that motivation. Try something new and challenge your body and mind.
  • Focus: Attention is important for everything you do in life, but fitness and nutrition is something that requires 200% focus to reach your desirable goal. Focus is needed to train hard, to remain in your healthy lifestyle, to sleep enough, and so on. To focus on what you want for yourself will help your motivation, dedication and determination.
  • Will Power: Learn to say NO. If somebody offers you one of your favorite desserts, try your hardest to say NO. Why? Well by saying NO it will definitely make you feel better at the end of the day, you will feel so proud of yourself because you kept your promise of living a better life. Think about it though, every time you consume something so good, but so bad for you; you will feel awesome while eating it, but you won't feel any good afterwards. This is the moment when regrets make an appearance making you feel worthless, sad and disappointed. Avoid these feelings by eating right, by being yourself, by following strictly your new lifestyle.
You are better than feeling disappointed. You are better than regrets. You are better than mistakes. Take advantage of the mistakes you have made and be better everyday, feel better about yourself, smile often, think about yourself and how this new life is causing a positive impact in your life. Always remember how this new lifestyle makes you smile, and boost that confidence. Remember if you feel sad in the inside, that is what you reflect on the outside.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

THE STORY OF ALEJANDRA CARABALLO                                          

About a year ago I noticed the fact that I needed to lose weight, not necessarily for vanity, but to live a healthy lifestyle that would go with the way I live and my age.

Two years ago, I suffered from frequent panic attacks and anxiety. I was a huge fanatic of junk food; there was a place called "The Street of Hunger," I was very popular, I was the "Star Client." I would eat hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, and so much more. Not to mention the fact that I was a big fan of sugar; loved to eat candy, chocolates, cookies and so on. I was addicted to sugar. After a life time of eating this way, I gained lots of weight. I was weighting 85 kilos and I am not very tall, my height is 1.60 cm, so can you imagine a person like me with all those extra kilos on me?. Not only this was the issue, but I started developing breathing problems, I had trouble breathing properly, I could not sit for long periods of time, nor stand or finish any chore successfully.

One day I went to the doctor, and no it was not a consult for me, but for my dad. That moment was an eye opener, in that very moment is when I realized I needed to do something. Once the doctor saw my dad, it was not good news. The doctor told my dad that he was suffering from hypertension, obesity and hyperglycemia. The doctor called my dad a "ticking bomb." My family has a history of obesity and diabetes, so to think of me suffering from all this made me take actions in my own hands. Sooner or later I was going to suffer from these things and even more, I just refused to go through this. I asked myself, Will I reach all my goals in life? Will I cover all my expectations of life? These were questions without any answers yet.

On August of 2011, after making the decision of losing weight, I started wih a little routine of walking 40 minutes every single day. My main support was my MOM, she made all the meals at home and she was the one taking care of the food. My food cycle was: Protein, Carbohydrates and Water. My mom would help me eat an adequate amount of food in each meal. Everytime dinner came along, I was always careful, I would eat more vegetables to balance my foods so my body would receive all the nutrients to remain healthy. Exercises are the key to maintain your weight, and not only that, but if one day you feel like cheating you absolutely can (in moderation) as long as you exercise that same day. The problem comes when you eat all you like and don't exercise ever.

Something I have to say though, is that my main key is: WILL POWER. To learn how to say no when people offer you the foods you like is not an easy task, but I did it. I learned to tell myself "DON'T EAT THAT" when everybody around me would indulge on things I liked. I am going to be completely honest here, I DO CHEAT. I cheat every single Sunday, I eat whatever I want, at any time of the day and with whoever I am with that day. Don't get too excited though, I start my healthy cycle all over again every Monday.

It is extremely necessary that I mention my family in this story. Since that day of the consultation, my family started eating better, healthier; also, exercising as well to maintain a healthy life. My dad is still in treatment for his hypertension, and to control his hyperglycemia.

I proudly say that RIGHT NOW I WEIGHT 63 KILOS. YES, I LOST 22 KILOS AND I AM EXTREMELY PROUD AND HAPPY. Not to mention the fact that I get men's attention frequently so that must say something about how I look, don't you think?

My Tips to Lose Weight:

  1. Drink lots of water. Drink water while exercising and in regular basis.
  2. Drink green tea. Is a diuretic, helps you lose weight and fat. It doesn't taste amazing, but it is excellent for weight loss.
  3. Eat green everything. Vegetables are important and green ones are the best ones for losing weight. I am not a big fan, but I still add them to my meals.
  4. Grill. Cooking everything on the grill is healthier than cooking with oils and/or butter.
  5. Relaxation. Practice breathing exercises and relaxation to overcome those negative and tough moments when you feel like you can't continue to reach your goal. Take a moment to breathe, it is incredible how it helps you convince you to keep going towards your goal. Helps you focus.
  6. Exercise. Create an exercise routine. You don't need the gym, you can workout at home. I highly recommend Insanity DVD, it is an excellent workout and keeps you going.
  7. Search. Get familiar with professionals in your area that will help you figure out a proper nutrition and exercise routine. This is a good way to find guidance to know what to do to lose weight and to maintain a healthy weight.
  8. Self-esteem. Realize that you are worthy. Tell yourself everyday that "YOU CAN DO THIS."
Modify your life style for YOU, for your well being. Do not do anything for anybody else's pleasure, and for those who attempt against your integrity. The most important thing is your own quality of life and the only reason you should glow among society is because of YOUR OWN DECISION TO BE BETTER AND HEALTHIER.


                    BEFORE                                           AFTER

Tuesday 26 June 2012

What I do to stay in shape

Hello everyone, so I bet you are wondering what I do to stay in shape, the diets I follow and the exercises I do. Well this is a great chance for you to take a look at my routines and so you can apply it to yourself in case you think it would work for you. I am going to post few pictures so you know what I do to track what I eat, and how many calories I burn in each workout. 

My personal food track
  • This is what I do every single day, I keep track of what I consume and the calories I burn in every workout. I break it down into four things: Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Dinner. This is a great way to be honest with yourself, and a great opportunity for you to come to the realization of the mistakes you might be making that are not helping you reach your goals. Go buy a notebook, and begin writing everything down TODAY. Believe me it does help.

Polar FT40
  • This is a Polar Watch, the best thing I have ever spent my money on. This watch counts your calories, tells you how much fat you burned, your heart rate and so on. I recommend you to buy one, so you know exactly how much you are burning every day or the days you workout. The name of this watch is Polar FT40, and it is amazing. Every time I workout and see the results is what keeps me going and is a constant motivation.

Another important thing I do besides exercising, is dieting. My diet is not as restrictive, and I do not starve myself. If you starve yourself, you will lose weight, but you will be unhealthy; besides, you will overeat when you starve gaining more weight. What I do is the following:

  • I only eat two carbs a day. One with my breakfast and the second one at lunch. I do not eat carbs at night, because it turns into fat.
  • I eat lots of vegetables and protein. Green vegetables are the best for losing weight and fat, but I love all the vegetables so I eat all the colors. Chicken, fish, meat, and so on are good sources of protein. What I eat the most is chicken and fish.
  • I bake instead of fry. Baking is healthier than frying your food. Frying food means your food will absorb all that oil, and you will consume that, which will produce more fat in your body. Put everything in the oven.
  • I eat less salt. If I want salt, I use sea salt, which is better than regular salt. I only use a pinch if I need to. 
  • I drink lots of water every single day.
  • I drink tea, specially green tea. Really good for you, helps you burn fat, and is a great antioxidant.
  • I cook all my meals at home. I haven't had junk food in 6 months. If I know I will be lazy after the gym, then I prepare a salad before going to the gym. People, this is all about planning ahead so you have everything ready for you. No excuses. Cook everything and prepare everything ahead of time.
  • I do not drink pop (Ever), juice, nestea and alcohol. All of the above has tons of calories, something you want to avoid completely, specially alcohol. Drink 2-3 glasses of red wine occasionally (special occasions), not every weekend or everyday. If you are the ones who absolutely love pop, juice and sugary alcohol drinks, then indulge yourself once or twice a month, but don't make it a habit. A tip for those who like to drink, what I do is I drink vodka and mix it with a fruit, squeeze half a lemon and ice, shake it and it taste delicious, low in calories and better for you.
  • I avoid milk, but not entirely. You need calcium, and your body needs calcium, specially your bones. Milk is good for you, the only thing is that lactose is a type of sugar and if you are a milk drinker this won't benefit you if you are trying to lose weight. Instead, buy almond milk unsweetened.
  • I eat dark chocolate. It is a great antioxidant, boost your libido and it is actually good for burning fat. Don't get too excited though, eat the necessary amount and make sure it is below 200 calories, which I believe are 3 squares.
  • I snack on almonds and other nuts. They are great source of good fat and protein. You have to limit your intake though, we know that good fat burns bad fat in your body, but when you eat more than you should this will not benefit you.
  • I do not eat cereals. They are packed with sugar and lots of calories. The only cereal I eat and I really recommend is Cheerios (Original) it has more fiber than sugar, which is what you should be looking for, and what you should be consuming as a snack.
  • I drink black coffee. Black coffee has great benefits, is an antioxidant and helps you burn fat. The only way this would work for you is not adding any milk or cream, and sugar. Drink it straight up black and only 2 cups a day.
  • I indulge once a week. I call it CHEAT DAY and it's only on Sunday. I do not eat candy and chocolate all day, but I do enjoy snacking whatever I want, and I enjoy it.
  • I eat popcorn. Good source of fiber, amazing for snacking. I do not like buttered ones, I think it is way too greasy for me and it is actually bad for you, as well as salty ones. A good way is to make it at home so you know how much salt you are putting in them or maybe you do not want to put salt on it at all. 
  • I eat fruit only in the morning. 
  • I make my own dressing for my salads. This is one of my favorites:  Vinegar + mustard + ground black pepper + olive oil.
  • I eat quinoa and hemp seeds. Amazing source of omega 3 and 6, fiber, protein, and so on. So good for you, buy it.
  • I eat egg whites, instead of the whole egg. Even though, eggs are amazing, the yolk is full of cholesterol and is fattening. The egg whites is full of protein and you can eat it at any time. If you are a huge fan of the yolk, like me, you can use one whole egg + 2 egg whites and mix it with veggies.
  • I use whey protein. I cook with whey protein and I drink it as well. Good for muscle recovery, burning fat, reduces hunger and so on. 
  • I eat everything 100% WHOLE WHEAT. No more white flour everything, this is fattening, and turns into fat very quickly when ingested. Buy whole wheat breads, flours, tortillas, and so on.
  • I use real butter (when it's necessary), not margarine.
  • I eat protein pancakes. You believe you are treating yourself when eating them, because you could never say that pancakes aren't fattening, but when you do your own pancakes it is way better for you only if you use the right ingredients. The recipe for protein pancakes is:
1/2 cup oats
1 tbsp quinoa or hemp seeds
1 egg white
1 scoop whey protein
All these tips has helped me change my body. These tips were taken from @SaschaFitness a personal trainer from Venezuela. Of course, I changed few things to my benefit, not everything she says applies to me, there are few things I changed. Follow her on twitter, she gives amazing tips for losing, gaining weight plus exercises.

Monday 25 June 2012

Questionnaire - Reasons why you want to workout and diet

This questionnaire is for you to be honest with yourself, and try to know what you are really looking to do for yourself and the reasons why you wanna do this. I recommend you printing this and placing it on a place where you can look at it everyday as a reminder of the reasons why.

1. Why do you want to workout?

a. To lose weight                   b. To lose inches
c. To be healthy                    d. To maintain and tone

2. How many times would you like to workout?

a. Once a week                    b. Twice a week
c. Three times a week          c. Four times or more a week

3. What don't you like about your body that you want to change or improve?

a. Stomach                           b. Thighs
c. Arms                               d.  Glutes 

4. What do you like about yourself that you do NOT want to change? Specify beside your answer the exact part(s) you like of yourself.

a. Glutes                              b. Core
c. Legs                                d. Arms

5. What inspires you to change?

a. My kids                           b. My health (mental and physical)
c. Myself                            d. My family history

6. What would motivate you to keep going and never give up?

a. Fitness models                  b. The way I look
c. Vanity                              d. My health

7. What is your favorite workout?

a. Weight Training                 b. Zumba
c. Yoga                                d. Running and/or Jogging

8. As you know, without diet you won't see results. What kind of diet do you think you need to reach your goals?

a. Low / high calories diet              b. Low / high protein diet
c. Low / high carbs                       d. Low / high fat diet

*Note: Circle what applies to you, either low or high. If I did not mention what you are looking for then write it as a letter E.

9. How much time do you think you can spend at the gym?

a. 1 hour                                        b. 1 hour and a half
c. 2 hours                                      d. 30 minutes

10. What kind of foods are your weakness?

a. Candy                                       b. Chips
c. Simple Carbs                             d. Chocolate

11. If you were about to throw foods that are not good for you, what would be the first thing you would throw away?

a. Chips + Candy + Chocolate        b. Simple Carbs
c. Yogurt + Juice                           d. Cereals

Tuesday 12 June 2012

EXERCISES I LOVE                                                                          


BodyJam is an amazing workout. It is a combination of House and Hip Hop. This workout takes you to the limit, it is intense and a bit difficult to follow if you are a beginner. But the key to succes and get the hang of it is to keep coming to the class and do it again and again. You burn up to 600 calories in one hour, of course, it all depends on your intensity. The main thing is to be inspired, motivated and FEEL THE MUSIC. If you don't feel the music and you just focus on how you look while dancing, then there is no point to be there because you are not enjoying yourself, but just making sure nobody judges you for how you look. Feel the rhythm, the intensity of it.


An amazing class to tone, strengthens and shape your whole body. Also, you burn up to 600 calories in a single workout.
This 60 minutes workout is very challenging, it tests your mind, pushes you to the limit and it definitely changes your body. In this class you work all muscle groups of your body. First we warm up, then we do squats, chest, back, triceps, biceps, lunges, shoulders and ultimately core.

This class is all about high repetitions with weights of your choice, you can pick either heavy or low weight. The purpose is to build lean muscle, improve your endurance and strength.

This is a wonderful workout. I do it 3 times a week and I have seen results. Of course, it takes time and a healthy diet to see a change.


Zumba is inspired by Latin music and moves. It is a high intensity workout because it involves moves you have never seen before and/or done before. It also involves lots of jumping, squating, abs workout all incorporated in dancing moves. This amazing workout helps you burn those unwanted calories, that unwanted fat and tones your body. Just so you know you burn over 500 calories, of course, depending on your intensity.

Try it out even if you are that kind of person who doesn't dance anywhere, this is your chance to let yourself go and actually enjoy dancing. Believe me, nobody is watching you!!


Amazing way to lose weight, make that fat cry and to tone those sexy legs. It is really hard to follow the first classes, but you will get the hang of it once you start going constantly. This type of workout will leave you breathless and messy, which is the whole idea when you workout. This is the perfect workout to lose that unwanted fat, I completely recommend it. Lots of jumping, and it is all choreographed, but it is really fun.


This class is a great way to release tension, to relax completely and leave the stress out the door. It is an hour class, which includes a combination of Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates. You work your whole body with a combination of movements; you improve your flexibility, balance and strength. This class can be very challenging now that you have to hold certain positions for about a minute, and you feel the burn in your legs and arms, but it is not hard and it is worthy at the end. Also, we meditate at the end of the class, which is amazing for your mind to shut off and relax entirely.

The risks of YO-YO DIETING

I bet you have done this few times or a million times in your lifetime. Yo-Yo Dieting is when you start your diet, reach your ideal weight; then you drop everything off and start eating again believing that you will not gain all that weight back. However, this is not the only reason why you do this to your body, but it has a lot to do with not feeling motivated, interested in continuing your new lifestyle, and because you do not see results overnight. 

Yo-Yo Dieting has it risks, yes I know, you might be surprised, but it does come with consequences. You may be saying "But I am skinny now, I can eat whatever I want. If I gain the weight back then I will start my diet all over again" -WRONG- this is what you are not supposed to do, this is the worst mistake you are making to your body. You see results in the outside, but what happened to your inside? This dramatic changes cheats your body, and everything just loses control without even you knowing about it.

Everything you put in your mouth makes your hormones and organs work. If you start a diet a.k.a "New Lifestyle," then you start getting everything in order in your inside; by this I mean hormones. Hormones control every single thing in your body, when food is being digested a hormone is awaken, when you feel stressed a hormone is awaken, it simply creates a chain of reactions. 

So I am guessing you are there dieting, enthusiastic about your new lifestyle and later on you just give up, you do not see results as fast as you thought you would see them. You begin eating bad again, and what happens with you hormones? they become imbalanced. The risks start right here, when you already cheated your body and now nothing is in order just for the simple reason that you stopped doing what you were supposed to do. Here are few risks that come along with yo-yo dieting:

  1. Depression: Since you have been doing this for a while, you begin to feel frustrated with yourself and your body, you criticize yourself constantly, you see no results whatsoever, you even yell to yourself "YOU ARE SUCH A FAILURE YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THIS." At this point, your self - esteem hits rock bottom, you drop everything, all your hard work, all that motivation and enthusiasm to the garbage. Your emotional balance loses its control making you feel lethargic, low libido, low energy, with no purpose in life, you give up in your goals, very fatigued and so on.
  2. Slow Metabolism: Because you are changing your diet frequently, your body gets confused, so does your metabolism. With a healthy diet you teach your metabolism to be faster, and to work for you all day. When you yo-yo diet, metabolism doesn't know exactly what you want; therefore, it turns to be a reduced metabolism, which means that it slows down. Having a slow metabolism make it harder for you to lose weight, you have to actually teach your metabolism to move faster by eating healthy and natural foods. In case you didn't know this, it is very rare, but slow metabolism can permanently stay that way. Be aware of what you really do to your body.
  3. Heart Issues: Due to the fact that you are gaining all that weight back, you are in higher risk to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease. All these risks can appear due to being obese or overweight. However, heart diseases are not the only consequences though, type 2 diabetes is a major concern for those struggling with obesity and not following a healthy diet throughout their lifetime. 
  4. Obesity: Even if you weren't obese, but you gained weight in the past few years and you want to eliminate it and all of a sudden you give up; there is a chance of you overeating every single day and reaching obesity. By this I mean, you start binge eating, which means that you would eat and eat with no limitations due to frustrations in life, or even frustrations with yourself about not being able to lose those extra pounds. Also, emotional eating has a lot to do with binge eating. Every time you feel low, you would eat sugar to make you feel better, and this is a huge risk for lots of people who don't know the difference between being hungry and emotional eating. Be aware of your feelings, get to know the difference between being hungry and when you want to eat because you feel sad, frustrated or stressed.